These are the most requested Ordinances.
For information on additional Ordinances please contact the City Clerk.
- Ordinance 20 - Recreactional Camping Areas
- Ordinance 32 - Noxious Weeds
- Ordinance 44B - Amending Ord.44 Section 1 Liquor - Provisions of State Law Definition
- Ordinance No. 46 Shoreland Management
- Ordinance No. 59 Sewer Regulation, Public, Private, Requiring Connection 1.9.06
- Ordinance No. 59A Amending Ord 59 Mandatory Connection to Public Sewer
- Ordinance 62A - Replacing Ord. 62
- Ordinance 62B - An Ordinance Amending Ord. 62A
- Ordinace No. 64 Ordinance Amending Ordinance No 62A
- Ordinance 67 - Animals
- Ordinance 68 - Otter Tail Power Company
- Ordinance 69 - Gambling Ordinance
- Resolution #06-23 Confirming Vacation of a Portiona of Lake Street
- Resolution #05-23 Designating Precinct and Poling Place
- Resolution #04-23 Elected Officials Covered by Work Comp Insurance
- Resolution #03-23 Approving Electronic Payment For Specified Vendors
- Resolution #02-23 Vacancy of Mayor Seat
- Resolution #01-23 Council Seat Resignation and Declaring Vacant Seat for Appointment
- Resolution No. 11-21 Approving State of MN Joint Powers Agreements With City of Forada On Behalf Of Its City Attorney
- Resolution No. 10-21 City of Forada Land Use Fee Schedule
- Resolution 09-21 Special Assessments for 2022
- Resolution 08-21 Opting to Increase Firefighter's PERA2021
- Resolution 07-21 Adopting Douglas County Emergency Operations Plan
- Resolution 06-21 Resolution-to-Accept-ARPA
- Resolution 05-21 Findings of Fact Land Use
- Resolution 04-21 Designating Precinct and Polling Place
- Resolution 03-21 Elected Officials To Be Covered Under The Current City Workers Compensation Insurance Policy
- Resolution 02-21 Electronic Payments
- Resolution 01-21 Council Seat Vacancy
- Resolution 13-20 Determining Sewer Service Charges Remaining Unpaid
- Resolution 12-20 Finding of Facts Variance Perry-Gehrman
- Resolution 09-20 Cares Act Douglas County - Municipality Agreement
- Resolution 08-20 City CoVid-19 Preparedness Plan - 6.18.20
- Resolution 06-20 Declaring Electronic Meetings CoVid-19 Pandemic
- Resolution 05-20 Purchasing Policy
- Resolution 05-20 Forada Declaring Local Emergency
- Resolution 04-20 Purchasing Policy
- Resolution 03-20 Designating Precinct and Polling Place
- Resolution 02-20 Electronic Payments
- Resolution 02-20 Elected Officials To Be Covered Under The Current City Workers Compensation Insurance Policy
- Resolution 01-20 Purchasing Policy